What are you looking for?

All - Day

Introducing 'All Day,' your reliable microdosing companion. Designed to keep you cruising at a steady pace, it’s the perfect pick-me-up that won’t knock you down. Stay sharp, stay balanced, and keep the vibe just right, all day long.

Let's Go

'Let's Go' is your ticket to ride the wave of energy and focus. It’s the kick you need to jumpstart your day or night. Get wired, get inspired, and get moving with 'Let's Go.' It’s not just a boost; it’s a game changer.

At Night

Drift into dreamland with 'At Night' designed for those who seek the ultimate shut-eye, 'At Night' offers you the best f*cking sleep of your life. Close your eyes and let the night take the lead.

Calm Down

Calm Down with the ultimate unwind tool. Wave goodbye to stress and hello to tranquility. Whether you’re looking to mellow out after a hectic day or just need to take the edge off, this little gem has got your back.